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 People from various countries came to Tomu.

 It is because Ms. Minami was an expert of foreign languages.

 That's an absolute lie.

 She just said "Ni Hao" "Zai Jian " to Chinese although she interacted with Chinese part-time workers all day. She allways just said "Hello" to Westerners. Nevertheless customers from foreign countries were attached to Ms. Minami.

Some customers at Tomu can speak English or Chinese, and a few of customers spoke German or Italian.
But if you ask if they could communicate with foreign customers more smoothly than Ms. Minami did, I can't say "Yes".

 After all, she might be an expert of foreign languages.

Mr. Paul Mones

 One of them is Paul Mones from America.

 He visited Tomu with his family for the first time several years ago. Soon he became a fan of Ms. Minami. Last year, he stayed in Kyoto and he got training of cooking at Tomu.

 There is an E-mail that he sent when he heard of the passing of Ms. Minami. I'll show you the E-mail with his consent.

RE: Very sad news from Kyoto,Japan 2011.8.19 23:46

 I am so sorry to hear of Ms. Minami's death - my heart is very sad  but I know that Minami-san's  spirit will live on in all of us -  she showed such strength and dignity during the time I was there in December when I knew she wasn't feeling well and I am sure she was like that right up until the end - she was my sensei and taught me that the most important part of cooking was not the food you serve but giving your diners a feeling of belonging, a feeling that they will be taken care and a feeling they are part of something bigger  -   every time Mama served a dish she was giving part of herself to that person - and that is what made Tomu a home and not a restaurant.

 The attached photo was taken on my first trip to Kyoto when I met Mama and all of you - this is how I will always remember her - Luke, Nicole and I will always keep a place in our hearts for Minami and Tomu.

 Your friend Paul Mones
